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Demonic Flute (Sen)

Michael Gideon holding the Demonic Flute next to the animated skeleton of Zoro-Agruga. (Trails of Cold Steel)

The Demonic Flute (降魔の笛) is a defunct artifact that was capable of animating the dead.


Records of the Demonic Flute date back to the Dark Ages, where it was used to keep the evil that reigned over Heimdallr in its thrall.[1]

In S.1204, Michael Gideon first used the flute to rouse the Ginosha-Zanak from its long slumber in Nord's Ancient Quarry.[2] The following month, Gideon used the flute to animate the skeletal remains of Zoro-Agruga. After the battle, Rean Schwarzer cut the flute in half.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Trails of Cold Steel, Chapter 4: "A Midsummer's Revels", 07/26.
  2. Trails of Cold Steel, Chapter 3: "Beyond the Railways", 06/28.